107mm Slim sight lines as standard
Ultra-slim aluminium bifolds - 107 mm sight lines
Ultra-slim aluminium bifold doors are equipped with features that make them exceptionally aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient while also giving your door added security.
There is so much to customise and choose on these doors as well that won’t affect any of the reliability and strength that the doors have. These options include the exact size of the doors, the glass type, colours and finish that they have.
Getting an ultra-slim bifold for your door will make any home look even better, especially with the high-quality hardware used in production.
Like all of our aluminium bi-folding doors, the ultra-slim aluminium bi-folds come with a variety of qualities like integral glass Venetian blinds, Ultion 3-star anti-snap locks as the standard for entries and a selection of optional extras to add to your ultra-slim doors.