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Do Composite Doors Fade


Do Composite Doors Fade?

Myles Robinson
Written by Myles Robinson
Updated on 26th July 2024
Posted on 11th July 2024

Do Composite Doors Fade?

Composite doors don't fade over time which makes them an excellent investment for your front or back door, which will stand the test of time.

Faded Composite Door

Composite doors are expected to last up to 35 years, which means many years of not fading and looking fantastic.

Design your door

The composite door style designs are endless, and with composite doors requiring virtually no maintenance, opting for a composite entrance door will glam up your home.

These doors are highly durable and stand the test of time, so if you're wondering if composite doors fade, fading is not in the near future for your robustly constructed door!

This guide will go through tips to maintain the gorgeous glam of your composite door.


Dream Composite Door Designs That Won't Fade Fast

With us, you can create the door of your dreams. From glass design, different colours, different frames, and different shapes, a composite door is a rejuvenation for the front entrance of any home.

Modern composite doors have become very popular for various reasons. It's the perfect choice for modernising your home entrance, and the colour glass inserts forming part of the door design have added to its rise in the door rankings.

The versatility of composite doors, with their authentic timber appearance, distinguishes them from the old designs of a typical un-plasticised polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) door.


Composite Door durability

Composite doors are extremely durable, and with a long lifespan of a good 10 to 30 years, you can put the fade worries away for another day.

Composite door durability stems from its solid core, consisting of built-in timber with glass-reinforced plastic (being a polyester component) as an outer skin.

Its robust construction means that it leaves a smaller carbon footprint, with energy efficiency as a priority.

This high-performance design of composite doors is more powerful than uPVC doors, which means minimal maintenance.

With thermal insulation, thermal efficiency means that your home will be kept at the perfect temperature during all seasons.

The reinforced plastic skin protects your door from the sun's UV rays, similar to how sunblock would protect your human skin from exposure.

Come rain or shine, your door will stay looking brilliant! If you look after your door and frequently clean the exterior, its longevity will increase, and then you will have joy for years to come, walking through your beautiful door daily.

We guarantee our products and invite you to contact us with any questions regarding our comprehensive product guarantees.

Design your door


How To Stop Your Composite Door Fading

Whether your door design is contemporary & modern, classic, edgy or traditional, having clean composite doors is easy and requires super low maintenance. 

With a few simple steps, you can maintain your new door with a little bit of tender, loving care, a soft cloth and some warm, soapy water. The warm soapy water should not contain any bleaching detergents in it.

You can use a simple glass cleaner to wipe and keep the glass shiny, and there is no need to polish your door surface as you would with wood, although treating wooden oak doors may be able to bring out the best in your composite door.

These doors are weather resistant and will withstand stormy days, plus the security features associated with our doors will keep you safe and protected inside. Restoring faded composite doors can be as easy as that!

Maintain Your Composite Door & Fight The Fade

"Do composite doors fade in sunlight?", to that we say, exposure to the sun and elements has an impact on all materials.

Whether you have always had wooden doors or previously preferred timber doors, wood-inspired windows, a wood deck or wooden products in general, extensive exposure to the sun over extended periods may slightly affect the appearance of a door.

Luckily, the sun will not cause you to have faded composite doors for years to come, as composite doors are extremely durable. The outer skin of the door protects it against scratches, stains, and fading, and prevents your composite doors from warping over time.

These doors also have a product called glazing as an additional protective barrier which will prevent the chances that your composite doors warp.

Not only does glazing add to the sleek style and bespoke design of your door, but it also works to minimise exposure to the elements.

You can also resort to painting your composite door or staining your door to bring back some of the colours, making it look brand-new again.

With the range of designs, colour selections, frames and options to your availability, your door fading in the sun should be the last of your worries for at least a few years.

Where Can I Get A Durable Composite Door?

From us! Visit our homepage to learn more about our products and start your design dreams. You can customise everything about your composite door - right down to the locks.

We work with trusted partners and only want the highest quality offerings for our clients.

Black Composite Door

Relying on a quality product range from Comp Door, we can assure you that sleek designs and fabulous features are guaranteed.

With over 16 colour options to choose from, it is time to get excited and start your design process.

Design your door


Get a non-fading composite door from Value Doors

At Value Doors, we look after our clients from the moment they walk through our online door! We offer aesthetically pleasing, safe, high-performance and durable products.

We decided a little while ago to bring our customers a business with quality and style and a range of reliable products for your house.

Our passion is evident from the beautiful options we offer for your home to fit in with your current design and make it feel homier than ever!

Design your door

Written by
Myles Robinson
Myles Robinson Marketing Director
Posted on: 11th July 2024
Topic: Advice

Myles is dedicated to sourcing and fitting the best composite doors and windows. His mission is to offer our customers exceptional deals on energy-efficient composite doors, focusing on reducing costs while making sure the most advanced technology is readily available for installation. This commitment is what motivates Myles in the door industry.

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