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Colours of aluminium windows
When ordering aluminium windows, you can choose from a wide range of colours to help suit your home, whilst retaining all of excellent features they have such as improved energy efficiency.
Also, aluminium windows will have a high-quality weatherproofing, so they will suit you no matter the weather, in addition to being highly secure and safe due to the multi-point locking system they have.
The aluminium window colours that you can choose from include the standard colours, which are black, anthracite grey and white, or you choose from large variety of RAL colours to make them more unique.
Integral glass Venetian blinds and other additional hardware are available to be supplied with your choice of aluminium window colour.
Black aluminium windows
Aluminium windows in black will give an industrial and sleek like to your home, with the dark tones helping to bring out the other colours around it.
Contact us to get your very own black aluminium windows.
White aluminium windows
Getting aluminium windows in white will give any property a clean and new look, and will do so for a long time as they are easily maintained.
Purchase white aluminium windows by contacting us.
All of our aluminium windows can have integral blinds*
Anthracite grey aluminium windows
Anthracite grey is another standard colour that we offer for aluminium windows, giving your windows an industrial look with the dark colour and the strong, aluminium they are made from.
Make sure to contact Value Doors if you are after anthracite grey aluminium windows.
Grey aluminium windows
Grey aluminium windows, unlike anthracite grey, aren’t considered a standard colour but are still among the most popular due to the neutral colour they have, fitting in nicely with the colours around them.
To get your own grey aluminium windows, contact us at 020 4587 8300.
Aluminium windows designed by you
When you design your aluminium windows, you can choose from a wide variety of standard and RAL colours, as well as pick dual colour options.
You can save the fixed quote you receive if you need time to decide or order your windows straight away.
Personalised aluminium window colours

Aluminium Windows in Black

Aluminium Windows in White

Aluminium Windows in Anthracite Grey
Aluminium window colours made for you
Aluminium windows of any colour are all made-to-0rder and are not stocked, but have super fast lead times, meaning you will receive your windows in just 4-6 weeks after ordering.
Not only do we produce aluminium windows of many colours, but we also manufacture aluminium French doors, aluminium sliding patio doors, aluminium roof lanterns and aluminium bifold doors.
Composite doors can also be provided as a stylish and secure front door option.
Furthermore, uPVC doors (supply-only) and composite back doors are additional options that can be produced upon request.
If you require any further help, contact 020 4587 8300 and we will assist however we can to make sure you get the aluminium window or door you need.
An aluminium window designed in one of our standard colours will mean there are no additional costs, coming at the standard price.
Getting an aluminium window in one of numerous RAL colours, this would slightly increase the cost.
Whichever colour you get, our aluminium windows are competitively priced, in addition to having a variety of payment methods, making them much easier to attain.
For our range of aluminium windows, we allow customers to choose from multiple standard colours, which include white, anthracite grey and black.
However, if none of these colours particularly interest you, there is also a wide variety of RAL colours that you can pick from.
All of our aluminium products, including windows, are powder-coated as this creates a thick layer of paint around the windows that are extremely hard to damage or scratch.
We do this to make sure your windows are long-lasting, making them an excellent long-term investment.
Flexible new door finance options for all budgets and households.
We offer a number of ways to pay for all our new doors, to make it affordable for any budget.
Finance with Klarna is available at checkout on fitted products, depending on criteria.
You can buy now and not pay a penny for 6 months (supply only).
Pay over 3, 5, 7, or 10 years interest bearing finance (supply only)
You can pay by debit or credit card in full using our secure online checkout system.

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