We offer Arched uPVC Doors that wonderfully transform the external appearance of your home.
Due to the nature of uPVC, a variety of installation options are available. So if you’re interested in a uPVC door and frame with a double glazed surround, an arched frame and toplight, or just the PVC door curved to fit your arch; we can fit them all.
White uPVC Arched Door and Frame
uPVC doors can be rounded at the top to fit snugly into an arch without the need for a toplight, like composite doors. Absolutely any uPVC door you find on our website can be amended to fit into an arch frame, contact us today to find out more.
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White uPVC Door in Arched Frame with Toplight
Toplights are a beautiful addition to any door as they help to illuminate your hallway with natural light and offer another opportunity to personalise your front door; creating a truly bespoke design. Any uPVC door on our site is suitable for this layout, please get in touch to find out more.
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White uPVC Door in Arched Frame with Glazed Surround
If you have a larger than average arched doorway, a glazed surround is a magnificent option. Filling in the excess space with toughened, double glazed safety glass, you can truly make the most of your arch and allow your new uPVC door to be encased in natural light.
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Arched uPVC Door Frames
Any of the uPVC doors you find on this website can be installed into our arch frames. Combining the Gothic aesthetics of arches with low maintenance, cost effective thermally efficient uPVC doors, our arched uPVC door and frame selection will enhance your home’s natural beauty and add value to the property.
The uPVC door and frame are made from UV stabilised, virgin uPVC
All arched doors and frames are covered by our solid ten year guarantee
Our arched uPVC doors all come with toughened double glazed units, keeping your home warm and safe.
White uPVC Arched Door and Frame
White uPVC Arched Door with Toplight
White uPVC Door in Arched Frame with Glazed Surround

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